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Prepping for your trial

I've already written a blog about getting the most out of your trial, this one just goes into a bit more depth, and in fact I wrote it specifically with my brides in mind. I hope it's a helpful checklist for you!


Bring along inspiration pics of makeup you like. Think about the colours that will be in your wedding, including flowers, jewellery, dress, and bridesmaids dresses. This will give you cues on what will work tonally. Make sure the images you choose are not blurry - close up images of eyes and lips is very helpful to us artists! Also try and choose images of people with a similar skin tone to you (keeping in mind if you're having a fake tan). Come to your trial with a cleansed and moisturised face so that you're ready to go (lightly exfoliating is also good as it helps the makeup glide on!)


Bring any hair pieces (jewellery, veils, extensions) that you would like to use on the wedding day. This way we can show you exactly how it will look on the day. It will also allow us to allocate the appropriate amount of time for you. Bring along inspiration images of hair that is a similar colour to yours. The reason being is if you are brunette, and you choose a blonde hair style it will be very different in reality. Ie; being lighter blonde will show up far more detail and texture. Wash you hair the night before and make sure it's clean and dry.


Make sure if you usually pluck to have them tidied before you come. We are happy to pluck the odd stray hair but doing a full restructure is not something we recommend on your trial date. Most of us are not trained in this area, and even if we are the last thing you want is red and irritated skin from plucking. It's best to have them done a couple of days prior so the skin has a chance to settle. The reason it's good to have them done prior is because it's very hard to lay down product on top of hair, it comes up looking very textured.

Fake Tan

If you are planning to have a fake tan now is the time to trial it. Get it done a day or two before. This way you can see how it works with the makeup. You definitely don't want any cheeto coloured surprises on your big day!

Skin Treatments

If you are having skin treatments, make sure you allow enough time for your skin to settle. Certain treatments will leave your skin sensitive, so you definitely don't want to aggravate it more. Your skin also may want to purge after your treatment so it's obviously better to wait till after this has happened!

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